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proud mum & dad

James Enright

Co - Founder & CEO

James, is as well as a parent to @para_jockey Harry Enright is also one of the CEOs and founding members at one hand one dream.

Inspired by the struggle to fund for he's own sons prosthetic," knew that we are not the only ones struggling out there..."

Michelle Enright

Co - Founder , CEO & secretary

Michelle, also thought it would be great to help others that are struggling as 


picture of advisor

Emily Asseter

Board of advisors

Worked in the public sector for many years along with 15 years with the Royal British legion. Emily has a wealth of experience in charity work and is a  super happy to be a part of the team.

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Leandra Mcphillips

Board of advisors

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Board of advisors

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Board of advisors
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